Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bio-metric Attendance System And Access Control System

We deal in Bio-metric Attendance System and Access Control Systems. 
Bio-metric Attendance Systems are used by companies of all sizes to record working hours of employees primarily in order to pay their wages. Some companies have a requirement to record the number of hours spent on specific tasks in order to cost jobs accurately. Automated Workforce Management Systems can use electronic tags, barcode badgesmagnetic stripe cardsbio-metrics (hand, fingerprint, or facial), and touch screens in place of paper cards which employees touch or swipe to identify themselves and record their working hours as they enter or leave the work area. The recorded information is then ideally automatically transferred to a computer for processing although some systems require an operator to physically transfer data from the clocking point to the computer using a portable memory device. The computer may then be employed to perform all the necessary calculations to generate employee timesheets which are used to calculate the employees' wages.

Contact Us for Bio-metric Attendance System and Solutions for Business, Schools, Colleges, Hotels, Banks, Hospitals, Offices etc.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

SaaS : Software as a Service

SaaS Software as a Service, is a new model of how software is delivered. SaaS refers to software that is accessed via a web browser and is paid on a subscription basis, monthly or yearly as per requirement. Different from the traditional model where a customer buys a license to software and assumes ownership for its maintenance and installation, SaaS presents significant advantages to the customer.

SaaS is faster and a cost effective way to getting implemented. There are no hardware, implementation or acquisition costs involved to run the application from the customer's side. It's the responsibility of the SaaS vendor to manage and run the application with utmost security, performance and reliability.

Since customers pay a subscription, they have immediate access to the new features and functionality. Unlike traditional softwares where upgrades would happen once a year or once in 6 months (with the vendor coming to your office with a CD), the SaaS vendor continuously pushes new updates, fixes to the application, which is immediately accessible by the customer. This reduces the length of time it takes a customer to recognize value from the software.

Since the software application is delivered as a service, its important for the vendor to focus on customer service and experience. Since this is on a subscription model, the vendor is judged on a month-month basis and the pressure to innovate or risk losing business is greater.

Adoption challenges

Some limitations slow down the acceptance of SaaS and prohibit it from being used in some cases:
  • Since data is being stored on the vendor’s servers, data security becomes an issue.
  • SaaS applications are hosted in the cloud, far away from the application users. This introduces latency into the environment; so, for example, the SaaS model is not suitable for applications that demand sub-second response times.
  • Multi-tenant architectures, which drive cost efficiency for SaaS solution providers, does not allow true customization of applications for large clients, prohibiting such applications from being used in scenarios (applicable mostly to large enterprises) for which such customization is necessary.
  • Some business applications require access to or integration with customer's current data. When such data is large in volume or sensitive (e.g., end users' personal information), integrating it with remotely hosted software is costly and/or risky.
  • For applications or application suites that require access control and access-level permissions, you may want to delegate administration rights to clients. This reduces administration time and cost. However, this is difficult to implement and can expose your applications to additional security threats.

SaaS can be used by Windows, Linux, or Mac users, providing true platform independence over the Internet.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities
·         Proven Web-services integration. By their very nature, cloud computing technology is much easier and quicker to integrate with your other enterprise applications (both traditional software and cloud computing infrastructure-based), whether third-party or homegrown.
·         World-class service delivery. Cloud computing infrastructures offer much greater scalability, complete disaster recovery, and impressive uptime numbers.
·         No hardware or software to install: a 100% cloud computing infrastructure. The beauty of cloud computing technology is its simplicity… and in the fact that it requires significantly fewer capital expenditures to get up and running.
·         Faster and lower-risk deployment. You can get up and running in a fraction of the time with a cloud computing infrastructure. No more waiting months or years and spending millions of dollars before anyone gets to log into your new solution. Your cloud computing technology applications are live in a matter of weeks or months, even with extensive customization or integration.
·         Support for deep customizations. Some IT professionals mistakenly think that cloud computing technology is difficult or impossible to customize extensively, and therefore is not a good choice for complex enterprises. The cloud computing infrastructure not only allows deep customization and application configuration, it preserves all those customizations even during upgrades. And even better, cloud computing technology is ideal for application development to support your organization’s evolving needs.
·         Empowered business users. Cloud computing technology allows on-the-fly, point-and-click customization and report generation for business users, so IT doesn’t spend half its time making minor changes and running reports.
·         Automatic upgrades that don’t impact IT resources. Cloud computing infrastructures put an end to a huge IT dilemma: If we upgrade to the latest-and-greatest version of the application, we’ll be forced to spend time and resources (that we don’t have) to rebuild our customizations and integrations. Cloud computing technology doesn’t force you to decide between upgrading and preserving all your hard work, because those customizations and integrations are automatically preserved during an upgrade.
·         Pre-built, pre-integrated apps for cloud computing technology. The Force.com AppExchange features hundreds of applications built for cloud computing infrastructure, pre-integrated with your Salesforce CRM application or your other application development work on Force.com.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Server Virtualisation

Server virtualization is the masking of server resources, including the number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating systems, from server users. The server administrator uses a software application to divide one physical server into multiple isolated virtual environments. The virtual environments are sometimes called virtual private servers, but they are also known as guests, instances, containers or emulations.

Server virtualization is defined as the partitioning of a physical server into smaller virtual servers. In server virtualization the resources of the server itself are hidden (or masked) from users. Software is used to divide the physical server into multiple virtual environments, called virtual or private servers. One common usage of this technology is in Web servers. Virtual Web servers are a very popular way of providing low-cost web hosting services. Instead of requiring a separate computer for each server, dozens of virtual servers can co-reside on the same computer.
There are three popular approaches to server virtualization:
1.    Virtual machine model
2.     Paravirtual machine model
3.    Virtualization at the operating system (OS) layer.

Virtual machines are based on the host/guest paradigm. Each guest runs on a virtual imitation of the hardware layer. This approach allows the guest operating system to run without modifications. It also allows the administrator to create guests that use different operating systems. The guest has no knowledge of the host's operating system because it is not aware that it's not running on real hardware. It does, however, require real computing resources from the host -- so it uses a hypervisor to coordinate instructions to the CPU
The hypervisor is called a virtual machine monitor (VMM). It validates all the guest-issued CPU instructions and manages any executed code that requires addition privileges. VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server both use the virtual machine model.
The paravirtual machine (PVM) model is also based on the host/guest paradigm -- and it uses a virtual machine monitor too. In the paravirtual machine model, however, The VMM actually modifies the guest operating system's code. This modification is called porting. Porting supports the VMM so it can utilize privileged systems calls sparingly. Like virtual machines, paravirtual machines are capable of running multiple operating systems. Xen and UML both use the paravirtual machine model.
Virtualization at the OS level works a little differently. It isn't based on the host/guest paradigm. In the OS level model, the host runs a single OS kernel as its core and exports operating system functionality to each of the guests. Guests must use the same operating system as the host, although different distributions of the same system are allowed. This distributed architecture eliminates system calls between layers, which reduces CPU usage overhead. It also requires that each partition remain strictly isolated from its neighbors so that a failure or security breach in one partition isn't able to affect any of the other partitions. In this model, common binaries and libraries on the same physical machine can be shared, allowing an OS level virtual server to host thousands of guests at the same time.
Server virtualization can be viewed as part of an overall virtualization trend in enterprise IT that includes storage virtualization, network virtualization, and workload management. This trend is one component in the development of autonomic computing, in which the server environment will be able to manage itself based on perceived activity. Server virtualization can be used to eliminate server sprawl, to make more efficient use of server resources, to improve server availability, to assist in disaster recovery, testing and development, and to centralize server administration.

Desktop Virtualisation

Desktop Virtualization Defined

Desktop virtualization, sometimes referred to as client virtualization, is defined as a virtualization technology that is used to separate a computer desktop environment from the physical computer. Desktop virtualization is considered a type of client-server computing model because the virtualized desktop is stored on a centralized, or remote, server and not the physical machine being virtualized. 
Desktop virtualization "virtualizes desktop computers" and these virtual desktop environments are "served" to users on the network.  Users interact with a virtual desktop in the same way that a physical desktop is accessed and used. Another benefit of desktop virtualization is that is lets you remotely log in to access your desktop from any location.
One of the most popular uses of desktop virtualization is in the data center, where personalized desktop images for each user is hosted on a data center server.
As technology to virtualize operating systems improves as a result of server systems, it is making progress towards home and personal use. This is much of the driving force in desktop virtualization. The constantly increasing power and availability of computer hardware has also been beneficial. Previously cost-prohibitive hardware to support simultaneous multiple operating systems has become affordable for anyone looking into a computer purchase.
Common Types of Virtual Desktops
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure -- or Interface) is a popular method of desktop virtualization. This type of desktop virtualization uses the server computing model, as the desktop virtualization in this scenario is enabled through hardware and software. VDI hosts the desktop environment in a virtual machine (VM) that runs on a centralized or remote server.
There are also options for using hosted virtual desktops, where the desktop virtualization services are provided to a business through a third-party. The service provider will provide the managed desktop configuration, security, and storage-area network.
Benefits of Desktop Virtualization
Desktop virtualization offers advantages over computers operating as individual units as each virtual desktop will not require its own hardware, operating system and software. Also, using desktop virtualization lower cost of deploying applications and will reduce downtime in the event of a server or hardware failure.

Desktop Virtualisation

Desktop Virtualization Defined

Desktop virtualization, sometimes referred to as client virtualization, is defined as a virtualization technology that is used to separate a computer desktop environment from the physical computer. Desktop virtualization is considered a type of client-server computing model because the virtualized desktop is stored on a centralized, or remote, server and not the physical machine being virtualized. 
Desktop virtualization "virtualizes desktop computers" and these virtual desktop environments are "served" to users on the network.  Users interact with a virtual desktop in the same way that a physical desktop is accessed and used. Another benefit of desktop virtualization is that is lets you remotely log in to access your desktop from any location.
One of the most popular uses of desktop virtualization is in the data center, where personalized desktop images for each user is hosted on a data center server.
As technology to virtualize operating systems improves as a result of server systems, it is making progress towards home and personal use. This is much of the driving force in desktop virtualization. The constantly increasing power and availability of computer hardware has also been beneficial. Previously cost-prohibitive hardware to support simultaneous multiple operating systems has become affordable for anyone looking into a computer purchase.
Common Types of Virtual Desktops
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure -- or Interface) is a popular method of desktop virtualization. This type of desktop virtualization uses the server computing model, as the desktop virtualization in this scenario is enabled through hardware and software. VDI hosts the desktop environment in a virtual machine (VM) that runs on a centralized or remote server.
There are also options for using hosted virtual desktops, where the desktop virtualization services are provided to a business through a third-party. The service provider will provide the managed desktop configuration, security, and storage-area network.
Benefits of Desktop Virtualization
Desktop virtualization offers advantages over computers operating as individual units as each virtual desktop will not require its own hardware, operating system and software. Also, using desktop virtualization lower cost of deploying applications and will reduce downtime in the event of a server or hardware failure.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dual BOOT Windows & Ubuntu

Procedure : how to set up your computer in order to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Install Ubuntu after Windows
A Windows OS should be installed first, because its bootloader is very particular and the installer tends to overwrite the entire hard drive, wiping out any data stored on it. If Windows isn't already installed, install it first. If you are able to partition the drive prior to installing Windows, leave space for Ubuntu during the initial partitioning process. Then you won't have to resize your NTFS partition to make room for Ubuntu later, saving a bit of time.
When a Windows installation already occupies the entire hard drive, its partition needs to be shrunk, creating free space for the Ubuntu partition. You can do this during the Ubuntu installation procedure, or you can see How to Resize Windows Partitions for other options.
If you have resized a Windows 7 or Vista partition and cannot boot up windows, you can use the instructions from Windows Recovery to fix it.

Install Ubuntu

  • Download an Ubuntu LiveCD image (.iso) from Ubuntu Downloads and burn it to a disc.
  • Insert the LiveCD into your CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC.
  • If the computer does not boot from the CD (e.g. Windows starts again instead), reboot and check your BIOS settings by pressing F2, F12, or ESC. Select "boot from CD".
  • Proceed with installation until you are asked this question: "How do you want to partition the disk?".
  • If you have already partitioned the disk and left space for Ubuntu, install it to that and then follow the rest of the steps.
  • Otherwise, choose one of the next two steps.

Automatic partition resizing (recommended)

  • Choose the first option, which should say "Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup".
  • Specify the size of the new partition by dragging the slider at the bottom of the window.
  • Click on "Forward".
  • Continue on to Finishing Ubuntu Installation

Manual partitioning

  • Choose "Manually edit partition table".
  • Listed will be your current partitions.
  • Select the partition you want to resize and press Enter.
  • Select "Size:", press Enter.
  • Select Yes, press Enter.
  • Type in a new size in gigabytes for your partition, it's recommended you free up at least 10 GB of free space for your Ubuntu install. Press Enter when happy with your changes. It may take some time to apply the changes.
  • Create a swap partition of at least your amount of RAM (if you don't know, 2000 MB is a good value).
  • Create a partition for your Ubuntu installation.
  • Select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk".

Thursday, June 2, 2011

LINUX Server & Client Installation & Management Services

We provide Linux server and network management for RedHat, Fedora, Debian, SUSE, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu.
We support & Consult migration of Linux if required, we have team of expertise to carry out the smooth migration to LINUX. We can maintain existing LINUX infrastructure as per requirement. 

You get all you need for your everyday work including local net and Internet:
  • Free open source OS
  • E-mail, web-browser and full office package
  • Nice and easy-to-use graphic interface with a great number of options for configuration and change of the outlook
  • Flexibility, applicable both for users with desk and mobile computers
  • Remarkably natural and easy work both on net and the Internet
  • Communication applications for work by net – all types of messenger systems, applications for video chat and video conferences
  • Data exchange and synchronization with Palm-devices and mobile phones
  • Sharing files, printers and directories with Windows computers on the net
  • Windows 2000 terminal client
  • Data and e-mail coding with the click of a mouse
  • Exceptional stability and safety for your data and communications
  • No viruses
  • Easy installation and centralized administration (including distant one) with exclusively low expenses for support and innovation
  • Open solution of excellent efficiency, optimized for application and database multi-server interconnection, including development
  • Further setting-up is possible as well as configuration according to the user’s specific requirements
  • Complete Support fro MegaTech Infoserve support team.
  • No license fee, no limits
Enterprise Linux Desktop – just perfect for business
We offer you a solution, which is a pleasure to work with, easy to support, including users who are used to either Windows or Mac OS. Enterprise Linux Desktop can be used together with all the rest Windows machines in your office.
Enterprise Linux Desktop is a flexible platform that satisfies completely the requirements of the typical office-user with protected access to Microsoft systems as well as other GNU/Linux and UNIX servers, including clients of mainframe machines and mini computers. Enterprise Linux Desktop possesses a remarkably rich set of software applications to meet your need for varied functionality and smooth integration.
Communication and mobility
No matter where you are, what the weather is like or what time it is, Enterprise Linux Desktop allows you to work – at your office, at home or on the way – both on the Internet and your corporate Intranet.
Security and Protection
Security and Linux – stable and tested combination. It is of no use saying whatever more.
Easy administration
There is no difference whether you are to install 10 or 1000 computers – the administrative procedures are as easy and their configuration and control, too. Enterprise Linux Desktop can be scaled up according to your needs and company range. Enterprise Linux Desktop can be used by public organizations, small and medium range companied, and big corporations.
Long-lasting investment insurance
Migrating a work station is more effective if the existing hardware and software can be further used. We guarantee that MEGATECH will keep on supporting the hardware and software certified by us  in the following versions of the service.
Migration and co-existence with Windows
Migration from Windows to Enterprise Linux Desktop is effective and beneficial. It is up to your consideration whether to substitute completely Windows with GNU/Linux or to find place for both on your hard disk.
Contact : MegaTech Infoserve  - 9822271106 or mail us contact@megatechinfoserve.com 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

IT Facility Management Services - MegaTech Infoserve Nashik

In Facility management services MegaTech Infoserve ensures that the client’s equipments are in top operational condition and that they are receiving services in a prompt and organized manner. We offer Facility management services to organizations that choose to outsource their facility management operations in lieu of maintaining their own facility management personnel and resources.
IT Facilities Management Services involve an effective combination of people, process and tools to ensure that your IT infrastructure is always up and running. Catering to the 24x7 service demands on your IT infrastructure, we undertake complete responsibility of ensuring availability and performance of your IT Infrastructure as per SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our services are backed by over immense domain experience in providing products and services to various industries.

Services We Offer :
  • Program Management
  • Service Desk Management
  • Server / Systems Management
  • Desk-Side Management
  • Network (WAN & LAN) Management
  • Database Management
  • Application Support
  • Mail Management
  • Telecom Management
  • Data Center Management
  • Asset Management

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Server Management & Server Maintenance consulting services

We at MegaTech Infoserve understand the absolute necessity & criticality for keeping all of your servers online 24X7 and make them as secure as possible and running your business smoothly.

With 100% uptime, Your servers should be constantly maintained using superior designs and technology, guaranteeing that your sales can be made when your customers demand it or the information is available when it is required.

Without a second thought servers are the heart beat and core of every network. Whether it be your Internal Networked Server or a Web Server. Our server maintenance and management services are designed to keep your server (s) up and running 24 X 7 and ensure that the servers are always delivering expected performance to your network users.

We Offer 24/7/365 Technical Support Availability. Our Support staff can be reached via email, SMS or via telephone.

 Our server maintenance and management services comprise of:
  • Performing Security Checks and Updates 
  • Checking server log files
  • Applying necessary service and software updates
  • Checking core file and folder permission
  • Checking complete security 
  • Checking application functionality
  • Checking redundancy
  • Recommending necessary software and hardware upgrades
  • Check backups
  • Thorough security audit
  • Applying Security Policies
  • Installation and configuration of firewall
  • Configuration changes as desired by customer
  • Disabling of unused and insecure services
  • Removal of insecure packages and unnecessary software
  • Regular scans for easy-to-guess users passwords
  • Log auditing for unusual activity
  • Investigating hacking attempts
  • Restoring files from backup
  • Anti-spam configuration
  • Anti-virus configuration
  • Anti-DoS/DDoS kernel code tweaking 
  • Default system users removal
  • SSH server hardening
  • Mod_Security (Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications)
  • Kernel tuning with sysctl
  • Snort (Network Intrusion Detection System)
  • Acid (Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases)
  • Smartd (HDD Reliability monitor) 
  • SIM (System Integrity Monitor) 
  • PRM (Process Resource Monitor)
  • SPRI (System Priority) 
  • BFD (Brute Force Detection)
  • PMON (Socket Monitor)
  • Tripwire (keeps track of every file being moved/edited in the system)
  • CHkrootkit (Rootkit/Exploit scanner reports sent daily)
  •     Checking hard disk drive for space or any corruption

We have experienced team for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Server 2008, Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, MOSS 2007 (Sharepoint),Office Communicator, Linux Webmail, Linux Servers.  Contact us for your requirement megatech.infoserve@gmail.com (MegaTech Infoserve, Nashik).

We also monitor services on your server to make sure the services and server are up and running round the clock, and provide you a email or text notification when the services are down or modified.